Hi all.
I hate to start this post like that, like this is just going to be another post. Because it's not. I hate to do this. But as of now, 'Letters To The Stars' has come to the end.
It's not any of your faults - it's nobody's fault except my own. But instead of feeling happy and excited when I hit that orange 'Post' button, I feel a slight sense of dread as to who might be reading my posts.
I've told too many people about this blog in real life, and now it's coming back to bite me in the butt. I can't post anything personal, or controversial, because of my audience.
I have started a new blog, which I will email to a few of you. But otherwise, this is the end. I won't be actually deleting this blog nor any of the posts on it, but as of now there will be no more posts on this blog.
So I'm sorry, but I'm thankful at the same time. That you've given me the opportunity to talk and ramble and do so many other things. I', so thankful that I've made an incredible number of friends. You all know who you are, and you are all goshdarn amazing.
So thank you, and goodbye.
El xx
Monday, 4 July 2016
Saturday, 4 June 2016
Character profile: Spencer
Hi everyone! I've got another post for you about yes, What Not To Do When Wearing Purple Lipstick. I swear I should've renamed my blog to that, it seems to be the only thing I'm talking about at the mo. I will be doing more lifestyle posts, I promise! I'm actually in the process of re organizing my bookcase and I definitely will be doing a MAJOR post on that soon. Anyways, I digress. Let's start chatting about Spencer!
So her name? Well, it definitely doesn't have as much meaning behind it as Trisha's name did (sorry Spence :D) but I'm still obsessed with it, don't get me wrong! I don't even KNOW why I chose the name Spencer... It just sounded right. Her full name is Spencer Kelm (middle name undecided. Any ideas? :/).
Spence is pretty mainstream - she listens to the same music as everyone else, wears the same clothes as everyone, and she picks the same extracurricular subjects as her best friend. I think within Spencer I'm trying to create that so common but yet untalked about feeling - the one where you can't really dispense your own thoughts from everyone else's, so just decide to follow the crowd and do what everyone else is doing.
Her looks? I'm going for the stereotypical popular girl look - perfect hair, curves, and face. I think it's actually quite interesting, that I've never seen a popular girl in movies or books or even in real life that is shoved in the 'ugly' zone, that doesn't have the perfect looks that people lust after.
Hobbies? Spencer, as afore mentioned, tends to just do what her best friend Beatrice (aka Bea) is doing, but has a massive passion for drama and musicals. I actually am planning for her to be in a particular musical later in the book - all I can say is Acqua and Rosie will love the choice!
I think in this novel what I'm trying to do is create the stereotypical 'bitch' (aka Spencer), take the stereotypical 'nerd' (Trisha) and strip down to the core what it means to be a teenage girl - but also seeing what the people you hate the most without even talking to them actually are on the inside.
Whoop! I hope you're a little more knowledgeable on Spencer now! And I actually have a pretty big announcement to make as well. I'm wondering if any of you want to be beta readers for me? Basically I'd send you chapters and you'd give me honest feedback about it. I'm pretty sure all of you will be way too busy for it, but if you're interested shoot me an email! Anyway, bye for now, and I'll see you again soon!
El xx
So her name? Well, it definitely doesn't have as much meaning behind it as Trisha's name did (sorry Spence :D) but I'm still obsessed with it, don't get me wrong! I don't even KNOW why I chose the name Spencer... It just sounded right. Her full name is Spencer Kelm (middle name undecided. Any ideas? :/).
Spence is pretty mainstream - she listens to the same music as everyone else, wears the same clothes as everyone, and she picks the same extracurricular subjects as her best friend. I think within Spencer I'm trying to create that so common but yet untalked about feeling - the one where you can't really dispense your own thoughts from everyone else's, so just decide to follow the crowd and do what everyone else is doing.
Her looks? I'm going for the stereotypical popular girl look - perfect hair, curves, and face. I think it's actually quite interesting, that I've never seen a popular girl in movies or books or even in real life that is shoved in the 'ugly' zone, that doesn't have the perfect looks that people lust after.
Hobbies? Spencer, as afore mentioned, tends to just do what her best friend Beatrice (aka Bea) is doing, but has a massive passion for drama and musicals. I actually am planning for her to be in a particular musical later in the book - all I can say is Acqua and Rosie will love the choice!
I think in this novel what I'm trying to do is create the stereotypical 'bitch' (aka Spencer), take the stereotypical 'nerd' (Trisha) and strip down to the core what it means to be a teenage girl - but also seeing what the people you hate the most without even talking to them actually are on the inside.
Whoop! I hope you're a little more knowledgeable on Spencer now! And I actually have a pretty big announcement to make as well. I'm wondering if any of you want to be beta readers for me? Basically I'd send you chapters and you'd give me honest feedback about it. I'm pretty sure all of you will be way too busy for it, but if you're interested shoot me an email! Anyway, bye for now, and I'll see you again soon!
El xx
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Update: What Not To Do When Wearing Purple Lipstick
As you all know, my latest little writing project is WNTDWWPL. Considering how long it's been since I've posted about it, I thought I'd do a little list for you, because my thoughts are a bit too incoherent for proper paragraphs.
- I have scrapped the second - person draft and have begun my second draft in first person, from multiple POV's.
- My main characters are as follows: Trisha, who you all know about, and Spencer, whom I plan to do a post on soon. Stay tuned for that!
- I spent three hours last weekend on a random name generator trying to find a good name for Spencer.
- My personal favourite is Trisha, but don't tell Spencer that :D
- The first paragraph in the novel involves Trisha hitting Spencer. As you can tell, they're not the best of friends.
- Trisha is more of a person who holds her own ground, however Spencer is much more of a follower than a leader although being one of the most 'popular' girls in the school.
- I have got a solid plan, although I'm afraid to write it down for reasons even I don't know :/
- Yeah. I've sucked out all my juices.
Monday, 30 May 2016
Lil' Life Updates.
Well well well. Look who's back?
So I know I said I was going to postpone all posts, but - in the miracle of all miracles - my teachers gave me NO HOMEWORK today. Yes, you heard me correctly. NO HOMEWORK.
Although I know that the workload is far from ending, it's nice to just have a night to myself. To just sit around, chatting to mates and surfing the web. After all, it's about time I catch up on all your blogs.
This week has been really stressful for me. Trying to find a balance between studying and 'me' time is much harder than I thought it'd be. I'm not spending as much time with friends as I would like to anymore - nope, studying is my biggest buddy at the moment.
I've also been told that I might have to get a tutor for Chinese. I know it shouldn't be a big deal, but it is. I'm sick of studying my ass off only to receive poor marks, sick of trying my best and getting awful results when others are barely putting in any effort and receiving such good marks. Bloody hell, what's the point?
I don't know. I am sick and I'm tired and I'm stressed out. My mental health is absolutely awful right now. I don't have diagnosed anxiety or anything, and don't pretend to, but I definitely know that my stress and anxiety levels are pretty goddamn high right now.
I'm sick of it all.
El xx
So I know I said I was going to postpone all posts, but - in the miracle of all miracles - my teachers gave me NO HOMEWORK today. Yes, you heard me correctly. NO HOMEWORK.
Although I know that the workload is far from ending, it's nice to just have a night to myself. To just sit around, chatting to mates and surfing the web. After all, it's about time I catch up on all your blogs.
This week has been really stressful for me. Trying to find a balance between studying and 'me' time is much harder than I thought it'd be. I'm not spending as much time with friends as I would like to anymore - nope, studying is my biggest buddy at the moment.
I've also been told that I might have to get a tutor for Chinese. I know it shouldn't be a big deal, but it is. I'm sick of studying my ass off only to receive poor marks, sick of trying my best and getting awful results when others are barely putting in any effort and receiving such good marks. Bloody hell, what's the point?
I don't know. I am sick and I'm tired and I'm stressed out. My mental health is absolutely awful right now. I don't have diagnosed anxiety or anything, and don't pretend to, but I definitely know that my stress and anxiety levels are pretty goddamn high right now.
I'm sick of it all.
El xx
Monday, 23 May 2016
Hiatus + New Blog Name?
Hey everyone!
So you'll have noticed that I haven't really been blogging lately - school and life are taking up waaaaaay too much of my time at the moment (as well as actually trying to have a life). I don't think I want to be posting content that I'm not proud of, so I'll be taking a hiatus until the 18th of June, when I have holidays. I'm really sorry about this, but I can't juggle both. Assignments and tests are right around the corner, and I'm freaked out for all of them! This is also why I haven't been commenting on your blog posts - I'm so sorry!
But before I leave, I was wondering if you had any feedback on me changing my blog name? I've been a little unhappy with it for a while now, and had something else in mind.
Love ya lots,
El xx
So you'll have noticed that I haven't really been blogging lately - school and life are taking up waaaaaay too much of my time at the moment (as well as actually trying to have a life). I don't think I want to be posting content that I'm not proud of, so I'll be taking a hiatus until the 18th of June, when I have holidays. I'm really sorry about this, but I can't juggle both. Assignments and tests are right around the corner, and I'm freaked out for all of them! This is also why I haven't been commenting on your blog posts - I'm so sorry!
But before I leave, I was wondering if you had any feedback on me changing my blog name? I've been a little unhappy with it for a while now, and had something else in mind.
Love ya lots,
El xx
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
The Shadow of Sound
It was too quiet in the dark
My torch created shadows on the walls.
It was too loud in the light
My fragile ears couldn’t cope with the noise.
It was too normal in my room
So I turned up my headphones and drowned myself in music.
Whenever I go
Wherever I go
It’s too loud
Or it’s too quiet.
I cannot cope anymore
With anything
My life is too shattered
And has more cracks than a broken mirror.
I can still remember a time when it wasn’t too loud,
Or too silent –
When my gumboots broke the surface of an unblemished puddle
When laughter drowned out every noise that wasn’t perfect
When a boy whispered into my ear that he loved me.
When my mother sobbed in bed,
Although quietly.
But it still cracked apart my unforgiving love for her.
Those were the noises I wanted to hear.
And now I am faced with monotonous
Ordinary noise
None of which I want to listen to.
Saturday, 7 May 2016
Beautiful People Meme - Trisha
Hi everyone! So I've been posting a fair bit about my latest WIP lately, What Not To Do When Wearing Purple Lipstick (gosh, I just realised how much of a mouthful that is!). The thing is though, whilst by this post you'll probably know a fair bit about the synopsis, you probably know nothing about the characters! So I'm doing the Beautiful People meme for you to get to know more about my MC, Trisha. I'll be sampling questions from every one of the posts, so you'll hopefully be quite knowledgeable about her by the end of this! This is hosted by Cait from Paper Fury, and go and check her brilliant blog sometime!
1. What is their full name and is there a story behind it?
My MC's full name is Trisha Hayley Malone. The Hindi meaning for Trisha is 'desire, thirst' and it just sums up how Trisha wants more out of life than what she's getting. Her friends often call her 'Trish', and her big sister (one of the the most important characters!) calls her 'Tris' because she sees her as someone who's brave but acts too impulsively.
2. What theme songs fit their personality and arc?
I'm actually going to create a spotify playlist at some point with all the theme songs that fit her at some point! Definitely any song from Mulan suits her - she's the girl who struggles with finding their identity and what makes them a person. 'Reflection' definitely suits her, all the way! But also 'Radioactive' by Imagine Dragons, and if I'm going to get really specific the Pentatonix cover. 'Rather Be' by Jess Glynne as well, and 'Big Girls Cry' by Sia. I could keep on going for months!
3. Describe your character's fashion style!
Oh, my. I suppose this is where I've really slipped pieces of myself in; Trisha's obsessed with vintage and bohemian, and won't be seen in anything other than black and white. The only hint of colour on her is her trademark purple lipstick!
Oh, my. I suppose this is where I've really slipped pieces of myself in; Trisha's obsessed with vintage and bohemian, and won't be seen in anything other than black and white. The only hint of colour on her is her trademark purple lipstick!
4. What kind of book would they be reading?
Trisha loves classics. I swear. They're her fave kinds of books. Hand her a copy of 'War and Peace' or '1984' and I don't think you'll see her ever again. Beware, gift givers.
5. And finally, what is their hobbies/personality?
Trisha loves reading, long bike rides, and watching black and white films. She also loves vintage shopping and hanging out in the back lanes of Melbourne - such an iconic Melbourne thing XD. And for her personality? She's snarky, sassy and sarcastic, just the way I want her to be. I love books with good wit, so I'm trying to slip it into this. Let's hope it works!
So what do you think of Trisha? Likey or no likey? Let me know in the comments below! And if you'd like to hear more about some of the MC's, please tell me! I'd be more than happy to :) Have a great day everyone!
El xx
Monday, 2 May 2016
The short story I posted about last week!
Hi everyone! Firstly I'd really like to apologise for not posting last week. As you all know, I was on my school camp, and I was waaaaaaaaay too tired to try and attempt anything on Saturday, least of all blogging!
However, I'm proud to announce that the short story I posted last week is now being developed into a novel for Wattpad! Considering how bad I failed last time with the 'Cheshire Cat', I have zilch high hopes for this, but I'm really happy with it so far! Considering this time last week it was a 3000 word short story without a name and barely any plot ideas, I'm really happy with how far it's come. Technically it was done in a day, as I was actually quite productive on Sunday!
So, the title, I hear you ask? Well, I've chosen the title 'What Not To Do When Wearing Purple Lipstick'. It's kind of metaphorical, as it's supposed to hint at the fact that Trisha, my main character, is the only girl in her year level who doesn't wear stereotypical pink or red lipsticks, if they even wear lipstick in the first place. It begins to hint at as well how much of an outsider she is. I also just love the ring of it - Whenever I say it, it just seems to roll off the tongue! Some of the names I've gotten for my MC's are quite funny, as my MC's name Trisha came about when my friend poked her head over my shoulder, read what I was writing, and casually mentioned that I should name her Trisha! It seems to have stuck, and I actually quite like it. :D
I'm going to put a link to the first bit of the Wattpad novel at the bottom of the page (oh, also, if you get a little confused by my username, I'm willing to explain it :) although I'm probably gonna have to update it soon). However, since I am such a nice and wonderful little pineapple (shout out to you, Cait!) I'll put the Wattpad synopsis here.
Trisha's mad. Just ask her school principal, who's contacting authorities. Or her best friend, who's been dragged into this whole mess with her. With her home life an utter wreck and the world conspiring against her, she decides that she's got one day to do everything she's ever wanted to: scream back at her parents, tell the girls at her school that she hates them, eat ice cream at the top of the Eureka skydeck. Just one day. No more, no less. And, if things all go to plan, her life will be even more of a trainwreck, which is exactly how she wants it. After all, she's Trisha Bainyard. Things don't go wrong for her. And soon, hopefully, her life will be interesting. Big. Major.
But nothing can ever go to plan, and when Trisha realises exactly where life is going wrong, she realises that she needs to act on her impulsive movements, and maybe actually do something for once.
I'm really, really happy with what I've got so far! Sure, I probably should've edited the first chapter a lot more (considering I only skim read it once and basically added instead of deleting the unnecessary stuff :/) but yeah. What do you think of this new story idea? Let me know in the comments below!
El xx
That Wattpad story? You can view it over here: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/70535377-what-not-to-do-when-wearing-purple-lipstick
However, I'm proud to announce that the short story I posted last week is now being developed into a novel for Wattpad! Considering how bad I failed last time with the 'Cheshire Cat', I have zilch high hopes for this, but I'm really happy with it so far! Considering this time last week it was a 3000 word short story without a name and barely any plot ideas, I'm really happy with how far it's come. Technically it was done in a day, as I was actually quite productive on Sunday!
So, the title, I hear you ask? Well, I've chosen the title 'What Not To Do When Wearing Purple Lipstick'. It's kind of metaphorical, as it's supposed to hint at the fact that Trisha, my main character, is the only girl in her year level who doesn't wear stereotypical pink or red lipsticks, if they even wear lipstick in the first place. It begins to hint at as well how much of an outsider she is. I also just love the ring of it - Whenever I say it, it just seems to roll off the tongue! Some of the names I've gotten for my MC's are quite funny, as my MC's name Trisha came about when my friend poked her head over my shoulder, read what I was writing, and casually mentioned that I should name her Trisha! It seems to have stuck, and I actually quite like it. :D
I'm going to put a link to the first bit of the Wattpad novel at the bottom of the page (oh, also, if you get a little confused by my username, I'm willing to explain it :) although I'm probably gonna have to update it soon). However, since I am such a nice and wonderful little pineapple (shout out to you, Cait!) I'll put the Wattpad synopsis here.
Trisha's mad. Just ask her school principal, who's contacting authorities. Or her best friend, who's been dragged into this whole mess with her. With her home life an utter wreck and the world conspiring against her, she decides that she's got one day to do everything she's ever wanted to: scream back at her parents, tell the girls at her school that she hates them, eat ice cream at the top of the Eureka skydeck. Just one day. No more, no less. And, if things all go to plan, her life will be even more of a trainwreck, which is exactly how she wants it. After all, she's Trisha Bainyard. Things don't go wrong for her. And soon, hopefully, her life will be interesting. Big. Major.
But nothing can ever go to plan, and when Trisha realises exactly where life is going wrong, she realises that she needs to act on her impulsive movements, and maybe actually do something for once.
I'm really, really happy with what I've got so far! Sure, I probably should've edited the first chapter a lot more (considering I only skim read it once and basically added instead of deleting the unnecessary stuff :/) but yeah. What do you think of this new story idea? Let me know in the comments below!
El xx
That Wattpad story? You can view it over here: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/70535377-what-not-to-do-when-wearing-purple-lipstick
Monday, 25 April 2016
A Little Short Story!
Hey everyone! So it's that time of week again, where I share the writing I've done throughout the week. I haven't written a lot this week, only this poem and a couple of hundred words for my novel. But hey, my novel is actually going much better than I thought it would! I've figured out how to patch up a few of the plot holes and I just hit 10,000 words! Whoop de doop! Anyway, I digress.
So this week, as well as working on my novel, I've been writing a second person short story that I might actually begin to develop into a novel for Wattpad! I'm yet to come up with a name for it, so some help is appreciated! Here's a few snippets:
And this one, with one of my favourite lines in the entire thing:
It probably isn't my best work yet, but hey, I'm happy with it! What do you guys think? Leave your feedback in the comments below!
El xx
P.S: I won't be posting for the rest of this week, as I have my school camp! Sorry about that, but have a fun week, y'all! And I'll see you soon!
So this week, as well as working on my novel, I've been writing a second person short story that I might actually begin to develop into a novel for Wattpad! I'm yet to come up with a name for it, so some help is appreciated! Here's a few snippets:
It’s quiet in the hallway. Too quiet. You know it as soon as
your clodhopper Clarke sandals thrum against the pavement, loud and ringing in
your ears. All the other girls are outside. They’ll be on their laptops,
sighing over One Direction and watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix Premium.
Either that, or they’ll be flicking through their choir songbook munching on
cheese spread sandwiches cut into tiny triangles.
There’s not a lot to say about the girls at your school.
They’re either ditzy and dumb and waiting for their modelling contracts to
start with Burberry and Chanel (their bleach blonde hair and overtly orange
tans give away everything), or studying away at their school textbooks and
singing proudly in the school choir, volunteering for everything that comes up,
and applying to be school captain. Unfortunately, none of them will ever get
there; they’re too dorky and socially inept for anyone to want them to be
anything more than the head of maths club.
And this one, with one of my favourite lines in the entire thing:
“Trisha?” The principal sticks his bald head out of the
doorway, eyes the colour of mud searching for you. You stand up, spitting your
gum into the closest bin to him, and give yourself a satisfied grin as he
subconsciously wipes off his pants, wincing at the bright pink spittle on his
hands. It reminds you of the lurid soap they provide in public toilets.
It probably isn't my best work yet, but hey, I'm happy with it! What do you guys think? Leave your feedback in the comments below!
El xx
P.S: I won't be posting for the rest of this week, as I have my school camp! Sorry about that, but have a fun week, y'all! And I'll see you soon!
Saturday, 23 April 2016
50 things I love.
Hey everyone! I know this seems like a really weird post, but I dunno.. I feel like being happy and positive today! Someone's given me a glass of Amity water haha :D. But hey, what's so bad about being happy? Nothing! So here's 50 things I love.
Ice Cream.
Good music.
Good fonts.
My bed.
Funny YouTube videos that aren't really funny but always make me laugh.
The colour red, or to be more specific crimson.
Mascara, I have super long lashes and it make them look awesome.
Op shops.
Vintage clothes.
Australia in Autumn (Summer's too hot, Winter's too cold and I get hayfever. So yeah, Autumn is def my favourite season).
Waking up to find all these lovely comments on my blog. Y'all are awesome.
When I fangirl with people about tv shows/books/movies/you get the point XD
The Weekly with Charlie Pickering and Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and The Graham Norton Show
And sweets!
And any other type of lolly!
The smell of freshly baked brownies.
The smell of sizzling bacon (it's the only reason I'm not veggie).
Cooking shows like Masterchef.
The number 5. I don't even know why I like it so much, I just do.
Getting new books and enjoying the new book smell. (I'm weird).
Vegetables (this is really weird! I am very fussy with fruit and only truly love berries, but I LOVE VEGGIES. Oh well, at least I'll make a good vegetarian :D)
Disney movies.
Grimms fairy tales. I love reading the backstories to some of my favourite films and so I treasure my hardback collection book.
Cute dogs.
Pretty bags.
The internet. I honestly don't know how I'd live without it.
Awesome hair styles. I could watch Zoella videos about 'em for hours.
Flowers. Particularly blue orchids.
Spell check. I am a crap speller. But not autocorrect. I sent a text once asking my mum if I could get pringles and it autocorrected pringles to pregnant. Yeah...
Computer games. I'm really sad :')
Humorous books.
Well represented diversity in books.
YA books.
Every type of books.
Aaaaannnnddddd that's a wrap! I hope I've made your day that extra bit sparkly, and that if you were feeling a bit down you might have a bit of positivity. What are 5 things that you love? Comment below!
El xx
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Books that you need to read this very second.
I am a massive bookaholic. If I'm not blogging on reading or texting my friends when I should really be doing my homework I'm reading. To me, there is nothing better than getting lost in a world with a good book. I've read heaps of good books in my life, and bad ones as well. But let's face it. What's the joy in reading a bad book when there are so many good books out there? Here's my top three list of books you need to read.
1. The Flywheel By Erin Gough.
1. The Flywheel By Erin Gough.
This is honestly one of the cutest books I've ever read. I like that whilst it does deal with heavy topics, such as LGBT, it doesn't detract from having the sweetest, adorable-st romance ever. I adore Del, I am IN LOVE with Charlie, and Rosa is awesome. Also, can we talk about how awesome that cover is? It might just be me, but I swear that is the cutest cover EVER.
2. Green Valentine by Lili Wilkinson.
Not only does this contain one of the cutest love stories ever (not even just the romance, also the backstory and what Astrid and Hiro did as a couple - you'll have to read to find out!) but it has an AWESOME cover. Am I the only person who kinda judges books by their covers? *crosses fingers no*
3. Laurinda by Alice Pung.
Unlike the other two books, there isn't even a hint of romance in this book (well, there kind of is, but I don't really think so). Instead, it tackles major topics such as racism, identity and trying to fit in in a world that makes you stand out. Lucy is an awesome, powerful character and it doesn't end with her. Each character is well fleshed out and are so multi dimensional you won't even know what a one dimensional character is by the end of this. A brilliant, brilliant read which I highly recommend.
So there you have it! Three books that will now *hopefully* be at the top of your TBR piles. What are three books that you would recommend? Leave them in the comments below!
El xx
Monday, 18 April 2016
That Book I've Been Rambling About....
So, you know that book that I totally haven't been rambling about? Well, I'm actually going to (finally!) talk about it. So as to not get your hopes up early, I do have to warn that I actually only have a rough idea so far of what it's going to be so far. It is still in the rough drafting stage (because I am a total rebel and never plan ANYTHING that I write) but I'm happy so far with what I've got. In a way I feel like it's a ripoff of Divergent/The Knife Of Never Letting Go/The Hunger Games, but hey, that's nothing that can't be *hopefully* fixed.
So what is the plotline? Basically, it's about a girl Erin who lives in a dystopian society where a) everyone gets assigned their jobs at birth and b) all red heads are extinct and for some reason everyone hates/is scared by the thought of them (don't ask why because I haven't figured it out yet). Basically, she sees a red head... And her brothers see a red head. They are all running because they are afraid that someone will find out that they saw one. But then that exact red head catches up with her and tells her that she needs her help. For reasons that I don't know yet. And I'm still currently figuring out how the jobs assigned bit comes in. I know it will, but I need to figure it out. I need to figure a LOT of things out. Here's what I know so far:
- There will be NO rebellion involved. I want to show the more realistic side of things in my novel, and let's admit it... 16 year olds heading up rebellions isn't very realistic. It will be hinted at, but I don't plan to feature it.
- The main plotline, which is already above.
- That I want it to be set in a futuristic Australia. For some reason, all dystopias are set in America. Pfffttt. Why set it there when we have a much better country right here?
So what is the plotline? Basically, it's about a girl Erin who lives in a dystopian society where a) everyone gets assigned their jobs at birth and b) all red heads are extinct and for some reason everyone hates/is scared by the thought of them (don't ask why because I haven't figured it out yet). Basically, she sees a red head... And her brothers see a red head. They are all running because they are afraid that someone will find out that they saw one. But then that exact red head catches up with her and tells her that she needs her help. For reasons that I don't know yet. And I'm still currently figuring out how the jobs assigned bit comes in. I know it will, but I need to figure it out. I need to figure a LOT of things out. Here's what I know so far:
- There will be NO rebellion involved. I want to show the more realistic side of things in my novel, and let's admit it... 16 year olds heading up rebellions isn't very realistic. It will be hinted at, but I don't plan to feature it.
- The main plotline, which is already above.
- That I want it to be set in a futuristic Australia. For some reason, all dystopias are set in America. Pfffttt. Why set it there when we have a much better country right here?
A girl was lying in front of her, breathing so gently she
wondered if she was breathing at all. Erin’s gaze travelled up her, taking in
the pale white flesh, torn, bruised and bloody; her beautiful purple gown, so
extravagant and beautiful she wondered if it was just a dream. It was hiked up
a little, showing the frothy petticoats underneath, like whipped cream. Finally,
she came to the face, staring into her sapphire eyes. And then she looked at
her hair.
And let out a scream so loud, every bird within 50 metres
That girl in front of her, the one with the oh so creamy
skin and that gorgeous gown?
She had red hair.
Erin wanted to stay longer. She wanted to see how the girl
would react when she woke up, in a world that would kill her before she could
say ‘strawberry blonde’. She wanted to see if her eyes were as magnificent and
beguiling as her hair, her outfit.
But, most importantly, she wanted someone to talk to.
Someone who would listen to every last complaint she had,
who wouldn’t care if Erin spent hours talking about all her problems instead of
listening to people whinge about theirs. She wanted more. More, more, more.
More than this insipid life, sucking all the soul out of her. She wanted to leave this town, and it’s
She wanted… A life. More than just starving slowly to death,
with nothing but raspberries to keep her alive.
She fed Sarah her raspberry, and from the green tongue
poking out it was obvious she’d been eating grass again. She hated the thought
of her beautiful sister eating the food that cows ate, but in desperate times,
it was all she had.
Sooooo, what do you think? I would seriously appreciate some feedback because, let's face it, I probably need it. And I've also decided... You guys are going to name the red head! Yeah! Comment below with a name of any kind, and I'll either a) pick my favourite or b) go with the most popular. I hope you liked this post, and remember to comment with your name/comment suggestions!
El xx
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
BIG issues - collab with Lou Loves and Marti Stelling.
If people are trying to bring you down, only remember you are above them.
- Anonymous.
I've been a victim of a lot of things in my life. Grief, sadness... And bullying. As much as I hate to admit it, instead of my writing, or my friends, or anything else in my life, bullying has shaped my life in every way possible.
It didn't seem like a massive problem to me at first. I was just overreacting, worrying about something that didn't matter. I should just focus on my life and ignore them. That's what everyone tells you: ignore them. After all, being called an asshole and a dickhead totally shouldn't get to you.
What a load of bullshit.
I want every person who's ever said that to live in my skin. Or Amanda Todd's. Or anyone else who has been bullied to the point where they're crying every night, wondering if it's normal to feel this way. Wondering if it's normal for people to chase you across roads, threaten to beat you up, tell you that you'll never get anywhere in life.
It still scars me, to this very day.
I couldn't go to school without feeling physically sick. I contemplated self harm and even, at a very low point, suicide.
Ignore them. Laugh it off. Act as if you don't care.
Whenever I hear those words, I want to go punch somebody.
I suppose this is a more depressing post than what I normally do, but this is something I need to post about. I am well and truly past this and can now say that I'm at the happiest point of my life, but this isn't something that's going to disappear. This is something that has and will stay with me for the rest of my life.
And it needs to stop.
(So I know I said that I wasn't posting 'till Monday... But considering how long ago I intended to post this, I figured I should really put this up. I hope you thought about this - enjoyed reading this belongs in another language - and please do check out Marti http://pinksmartiesblog.blogspot.com.au/ and Lou http://louloves01.blogspot.com.au/. )
El xx
- Anonymous.
I've been a victim of a lot of things in my life. Grief, sadness... And bullying. As much as I hate to admit it, instead of my writing, or my friends, or anything else in my life, bullying has shaped my life in every way possible.
It didn't seem like a massive problem to me at first. I was just overreacting, worrying about something that didn't matter. I should just focus on my life and ignore them. That's what everyone tells you: ignore them. After all, being called an asshole and a dickhead totally shouldn't get to you.
What a load of bullshit.
I want every person who's ever said that to live in my skin. Or Amanda Todd's. Or anyone else who has been bullied to the point where they're crying every night, wondering if it's normal to feel this way. Wondering if it's normal for people to chase you across roads, threaten to beat you up, tell you that you'll never get anywhere in life.
It still scars me, to this very day.
I couldn't go to school without feeling physically sick. I contemplated self harm and even, at a very low point, suicide.
Ignore them. Laugh it off. Act as if you don't care.
Whenever I hear those words, I want to go punch somebody.
I suppose this is a more depressing post than what I normally do, but this is something I need to post about. I am well and truly past this and can now say that I'm at the happiest point of my life, but this isn't something that's going to disappear. This is something that has and will stay with me for the rest of my life.
And it needs to stop.
(So I know I said that I wasn't posting 'till Monday... But considering how long ago I intended to post this, I figured I should really put this up. I hope you thought about this - enjoyed reading this belongs in another language - and please do check out Marti http://pinksmartiesblog.blogspot.com.au/ and Lou http://louloves01.blogspot.com.au/. )
El xx
Sunday, 10 April 2016
New Posting Schedule!
Heeeeeeeeeey everyone! As you will probably know, I am very, very erratic when it comes to blogging. I will barely post for a month... And then I will post everyday for two weeks. However, I really do think that I need to develop a schedule. Sooooo, here it is!
Monday: Some writing that I have done throughout the week, whether it be snippets from the novel I'm working on (more on that soon!) or a poem/short story. If I haven't written anything that week, instead there will be something more bookish related.
Wednesday: I actually have no clue so far as what I will post on Wednesday! I am still trying to figure out my niche (if you think you know what it is, PLEASE tell me!) so it will most likely relate to that.
Saturday: I will be posting... Whatever comes to mind! This will be the most random day as whatever I post here will be a total surprise. You'll have to wait and see! Mwhahaha XD
Do note that with school starting up again, I probably won't be sticking to schedule... But oh well, it's worth a shot! This won't be starting 'till Monday week, as I think I'll take a little blogging hiatus this week, to work on my novel. I know, I know, I keep on talking about it and not revealing anything... But I promise that I will post about it on the first Monday back! AND THERE WILL BE SNIPPETS! I can hear your excitement!
Have a great week everyone, and I'll see you not-very-soon!
El xx
Monday: Some writing that I have done throughout the week, whether it be snippets from the novel I'm working on (more on that soon!) or a poem/short story. If I haven't written anything that week, instead there will be something more bookish related.
Wednesday: I actually have no clue so far as what I will post on Wednesday! I am still trying to figure out my niche (if you think you know what it is, PLEASE tell me!) so it will most likely relate to that.
Saturday: I will be posting... Whatever comes to mind! This will be the most random day as whatever I post here will be a total surprise. You'll have to wait and see! Mwhahaha XD
Do note that with school starting up again, I probably won't be sticking to schedule... But oh well, it's worth a shot! This won't be starting 'till Monday week, as I think I'll take a little blogging hiatus this week, to work on my novel. I know, I know, I keep on talking about it and not revealing anything... But I promise that I will post about it on the first Monday back! AND THERE WILL BE SNIPPETS! I can hear your excitement!
Have a great week everyone, and I'll see you not-very-soon!
El xx
Friday, 8 April 2016
A Bedroom Tour!
Hey everyone! Today I'll be doing a bedroom tour of my room. I've been meaning to do one for ages, mainly because I could never pass up the opportunity to show everyone my gargantuan bookshelf. However, considering how messy my room is (and I really cannot be bothered to tidy it up #rebel) I'm just going to show you little snippets, not the entire thing, like Rosie. I don't want to rupture your eyeballs! Anyway, let's do this!
So what do you think of my little bedroom? And what's your favourite part? Tell me in the comments below! I planned to include a picture of my desk, but it is so messy, you did NOT want to see it! What's your bedroom like? Tell me in the comments below!
Yep, I can already see your jaws hanging! Can you spot any of your fave books? Tell me! |
This was SO much fun to go to, and I had to keep the poster, it's so adorable! |
My gorgeous clock, which I got for Christmas. |
And my desk! Here I keep my all time favourite books and a few trinkets. I also have photos but I took them out for privacy reasons. |
My combat boots, which I wear EVERYWHERE, even in Summer! |
A very close friend of mine drew this for me. She moved, so I have this as a keepsake of our friendship. |
My bed, which I'm lying on right now! |
I have a few Disney sketches mounted on my wall, I love these so much! |
Another little sketch :) |
My notebook/scrapbook/photo book collection! |
I use this to keep letters in, as it's so adorable. I cannot bear the thought of chucking it! |
I love these socks! I wear them everywhere haha. |
El xx
Monday, 4 April 2016
The Hopeful Notes!
Hey everyone! Recently I've really been getting into random acts of kindness, because they spread so much love and hope and just downright happiness. A particular blog that promotes happiness and positivity is Marianne's blog - She is so lovely and I really do adore her blog. Whilst I have heard of Carrie Hope Fletcher before, I haven't really looked into her. But after reading one of Marianne's posts about the hopeful notes, I decided that this was something that I really wanted to get involved in, because it is just such a wonderful idea.
So, basically, the premise is that you write little notes for people on post its (or any kind of paper, no one will mind :) and leave them scattered around town for people to find them. It can be something as simple as 'You look beautiful when you smile' (one of my personal favourites) or you can go all out and decorate them to make them look beautiful. I plan to go to the library tomorrow, so I have a lovely little stack of hopeful notes that I plan to slip inside the books, dvd's and maybe even pin some up somewhere. It really does make people's day and it takes you almost no energy. Here is my pile so far - I plan to make up a few more a little later.
As for what to write, I did a mixture. I used some of my all time favourite quotes (Nelson Mandela and Alice in Wonderland, hehe), wrote some of my own things, and then I went all out for one (I plan to try and hide it for my mum when we go out and see her reaction :) I also have two more, but they were written in silver pen and didn't come up at all... So I just stuck to these ones.
So, basically, the premise is that you write little notes for people on post its (or any kind of paper, no one will mind :) and leave them scattered around town for people to find them. It can be something as simple as 'You look beautiful when you smile' (one of my personal favourites) or you can go all out and decorate them to make them look beautiful. I plan to go to the library tomorrow, so I have a lovely little stack of hopeful notes that I plan to slip inside the books, dvd's and maybe even pin some up somewhere. It really does make people's day and it takes you almost no energy. Here is my pile so far - I plan to make up a few more a little later.
Sorry about the awful lighting! |
These have taken me no time to do, and I really cannot wait to put a smile on someone's face tomorrow! They are such a wonderful idea, kudos to Fletcher and her fans :)
What do you think of this idea?
El xx
Sunday, 3 April 2016
My All Time Favourite Disney Films.
I love Disney movies a lot. They were the bane of my childhood, and if I'm being honest they're still the only reason I'm around today. They've taught me so many life lessons and I've fallen in love with a drastically large amount of their characters. If you asked me to name my top 10 films, even if these didn't make the top of my list, they would definitely be on there. Disney is just so magical at taking timeless fables and weaving them into amazing, beautiful stories that take no effort to stay in your brain forever. So, without further ado, here are my all time favourite Disney films.
Alice in Wonderland.
Alice in Wonderland.
I've talked about Alice in Wonderland waaaaaay too much on here... But I love it too much not to include it! The mystery of Wonderland and all the amazingly different characters draw me in every single time I watch it, and are the exact reason why I love it so much. It stands apart incredibly from anything else I've ever seen and the animation is stunning. Out of all the movies I've listed on here, this is probably my favourite.
Ugh, I take the above statement back. I could never and will never be able to choose between this and Alice (and to be honest everything else on the list). Mulan is simply amazing. With the most awesome sidekick ever (I am such a Mushu fangirl) and a protagonist who is strong and brave but yet also doubts herself and has flaws. It jam packs everything a good movie needs in it and is just pure perfection.
The Little Mermaid.
Oh my goodness, where should I start with this one? I loved Ariel and her passion for all things human, how she was more than just a stereotypical princess. She has dreams, she has hope, she has an abundance of love that tugs at my heartstrings every time. But yet she isn't flawless - She has struggles and makes a lot of misjudged decisions. It just makes her that much more relatable. And can we please talk about the secondary characters? Flounder, Sebastien, even Scuttle... They might not be awfully important, but man I love them.
Mary Poppins.
As a child, I used to stand at the window, waiting for Mary Poppins to fly through and make my life amazing with all her Mary Poppin's-ness. She was just such a magical and prominent figure in this film, and she created such an amazing atmosphere within it... I can't even put into words why I like her so much. And Bert. Oh Bert. Dick Van Dyke was so well cast, because you didn't even realise he was acting. I was just swept away in this land of humans and animations. Definitely one of my all time favourites.
I only actually saw this a week or two ago, but already it's made its way onto this list. Zootopia is funny, heartwarming, and realistic. It doesn't sugarcoat reality but instead shows why we need more Disney films that aren't amazingly perfect. And boy, did I love the characters. Nick, Judy, and so many more... This movie is just utter perfection. See it as soon as you can because you won't regret it.
So there are my favourite Disney movies! I love all of these and highly recommend you see them if you haven't already. What are your favourite Disney films? Tell me in the comments below!
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Lush Bath Bomb Review: Honey Bee.
Ahhhh, Lush. The word that makes most bloggers squeal with joy - including my own. I love the place! Yesterday I was in the city with my mum, so, with a few coins jangling in my pocket, I walked into Lush. I was originally going to get The Comforter, but considering that a) it cost more than I had and b) I had already tried the shower gel so I wanted to switch things up a bit, so I got the Honey Bee bath bomb. This thing is soooo pretty - I mean, just look at it!
I do feel that it is a real bang for your buck. I mean, I paid $6.50 (about 12 pounds? I think) for this, and I've gotten three uses out of this already. All the baths were still amazing considering the smaller portions I used, and I do have a feeling I'll be buying this again in the future.
However, they say to get the bad stuff out of the way first. So here are the minor complaints about it:
- I was under the impression that all Lush bath bombs have bubbles. And I haven't had a bubble bath since I was ten years old. So I was kinda looking forward to that side of things. There weren't any bubbles, to say the least. But this is my own fault for not realising that, and the bath itself was still amazing.
- This is going to sound really rude and horrid... But the colour it turned the bath? It looked like I'd peed in it. Once again, this didn't really change my opinion on the product and it was really good... But a bath is warm. So is pee. Really, it actually grossed me out a bit, because it felt like I was lying in a bath of my own piss.
- The price! I really cannot afford some of the more expensive Lush stuff, mainly because... Well, when I get $5 every once in a blue moon, I'm not exactly going to rush to buy a 100ml shower gel for 10 bucks, am I right? But I really like that as well as having some more expensive products, they also have smaller bargains that others can afford as well.
- The smell. Hands down, I love the smell. It smells like honey, obviously, but it also smells like so much more. It's BRILLIANT!! I don't even know how to describe it - kinda like honey mixed with a bit of spice? All I know is that you'll be finding every way possible to get into your bathroom the next day because it just smells so damn amazing!
- It totally moisturises you. My skin was baby soft after this, and it was soooo soothing for me. It goes all the way through - Lush is no knockoff moisturiser! I was definitely very sleepy after this!
- How many uses you can get out of it. I'm going to do a bit of maths now. So I think this will last me for 4 washes. 6.50 divided by 4 equals 1.15, or near that. And it does all of the above. I was really impressed by this side of things and it just makes me even more excited to try another bath bomb!
El xx
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
A Story I Need To Share!
Hey, everyone! I know I've already posted today, so I'm sorry if I'm clogging up your email/bloglovin account/blogger dashboard. But today I wrote a story that I really, really wanted to share. You've all loved it when I've shared my poetry, so I thought you might like this. I am SUPER proud of it and I hope you like :-) I haven't actually edited this AT ALL yet, this is the first draft, so I don't blame you if you think it's awful. Anyway, let's get this on the road!
If I was to give you my advice, you'd be shocked by it. Not that I ever would, of course; if I start talking now, I won't ever be able to stop. All the emotion, pain and lust within me would bleed out until there was nothing left, like pulp from a passionfruit. People say they have secrets; I'm going to tell you a secret within a secret.
They don't. They don't know what it's like to feel a blade against your skin, somehow burning hot yet freezing you at the same time. They don't know what it's like to kiss a boy who tastes like barley sugar, who is so wrong yet right for a girl like me. They don't know what it's like to live with all these thoughts going through their heads, jumbled up and broken. I thought I could sympathise with people who made stupid assumptions, at first.
But then I realised - I can't. It chips away at me, bit by bit. Soon I'll be nothing but a pile of shattered bones. These people aren't afraid of things like I am. They say the only thing to fear is fear itself; I beg to differ.
The only thing that every human, at some point, universally hates and fears, is oneself.
Fear is not anything without secrets. Fear is not anything without self loathing. Fear traps us all.
I keep my own secrets, fear entangled within them.
I know, I know, it's very cringe worthy.. But I'm actually proud of it! What do you think? Leave it in the comments below :-)
El xx
If I was to give you my advice, you'd be shocked by it. Not that I ever would, of course; if I start talking now, I won't ever be able to stop. All the emotion, pain and lust within me would bleed out until there was nothing left, like pulp from a passionfruit. People say they have secrets; I'm going to tell you a secret within a secret.
They don't. They don't know what it's like to feel a blade against your skin, somehow burning hot yet freezing you at the same time. They don't know what it's like to kiss a boy who tastes like barley sugar, who is so wrong yet right for a girl like me. They don't know what it's like to live with all these thoughts going through their heads, jumbled up and broken. I thought I could sympathise with people who made stupid assumptions, at first.
But then I realised - I can't. It chips away at me, bit by bit. Soon I'll be nothing but a pile of shattered bones. These people aren't afraid of things like I am. They say the only thing to fear is fear itself; I beg to differ.
The only thing that every human, at some point, universally hates and fears, is oneself.
Fear is not anything without secrets. Fear is not anything without self loathing. Fear traps us all.
I keep my own secrets, fear entangled within them.
I know, I know, it's very cringe worthy.. But I'm actually proud of it! What do you think? Leave it in the comments below :-)
El xx
Monday, 28 March 2016
March Favourites.
Hello, everyone! At the start of the year I made a pact to myself that I would do more posts - and I have been. But I also wanted to start getting into the habit of doing some more series. I do have my Sketch Of The Week, as you know, but I also wanted to do a few more monthly favourites. I got into my stride in January... And kinda forgot about it in February. Anyway, let's get to the actual point of this - my March favourites! I hope you enjoy.
Run 3
What is it with that big red P that has got me so addicted? I know I'm not the only one (damn, now this post is turning into a Sam Smith song) but I honestly think that there should be some kinda rehab for Pintrest addicts - because, unfortunately, I'd be turned in. The place is amazing - with so many different pins and GIFs to look at, it's hard to not be addicted.
Run 3
I feel horrifically embarrassed to admit to this one, seeing as it's a game probably intended for two year olds, but it is honestly so addicting. Basically, you've got to make the little dude on the screen jump around the cave type thingy to get to the next level. It's very addicting (and great for when I simply have no motivation to blog).
On basically all the March Favourite posts I've seen so far this month, I've mentioned writing quite a bit as one of my March favourites. I don't even know why I'm so obsessed with it lately - all I know is that when I get it, I need to write it down! Songwriting, poetry and fanfiction (as you all know) are becoming a major favourite lately, and I'm having so much fun exploring it and playing around with ideas. I still haven't published my second chapter, but that's because I'm editing it at the mo (and I'm also procrastinating from that :P)
What have been your favourites this month? Leave them in the comments below!
El xx
Saturday, 26 March 2016
Happy Easter + Mini Haul
Hello, everyone! To start off this post, I'd like to wish you a very big HAPPY EASTER! I've been eating waaaaaaaaaaay to much chocolate for my own good, as you can probably tell I'm a bit of a pig ;). But enough on my way too large very small chocolate addiction. I really hope that you had a great Easter, with enough chocolate to put you into a sugar coma. :-)

I also have a bit of a haul for you! Yesterday I decided to go up to my local op shop, and I got a lovely little hat! I am honestly in love with this thing, it looks so quirky and cute. And I was also in love with the price tag. Five bucks for this beauty, and it retails for SEVENTY DOLLARS! I was so happy with this lil' bargain.

I also have a bit of a haul for you! Yesterday I decided to go up to my local op shop, and I got a lovely little hat! I am honestly in love with this thing, it looks so quirky and cute. And I was also in love with the price tag. Five bucks for this beauty, and it retails for SEVENTY DOLLARS! I was so happy with this lil' bargain.
I also went into the city with my dad, and with enough cajoling I also managed to get him into Lush. Unfortunately I can't afford most of the products and will have to wait till my birthday before I can get proper bottles of anything :'(. But, the lady at the counter was nice enough to offer me two samples! I was absolutely insane at that, insisting on sniffing everything in the shop (my dad was going insane by this point :) until, FINALLY, I came to a decision. I desperately wanted to try Prince Charming as it smelt insanely good, but since it was limited edition I wasn't allowed to. Instead, I opted for The Comforter shower gel, mainly because I'd heard such amazing things about it, and Honey I Washed The Kids, because I love the scent of honey. They are actually very photogenic - look at these little beauties!
I've been using very small amounts of these, to make them last, and I can say that a little goes such a long way. My skin is soooo much softer and it smells amazing (I keep on sniffing myself, I must look like such an eejit). I really am looking forward to my birthday now, with the promise of Lush!
Have a great Easter, everyone! May your day be as joyful as mine! :-)
El xx
Friday, 25 March 2016
Finish The Sentence | Collab With Acqua.
Hey, everyone! Today do I have a post for you! Acqua and I have put together a little 'Finish The Sentence' collab, so I will be posting her answers and she will be posting mine. Please go check her blog out, it is absolutely AWESOME!! Anyway, let's get this on the road.
1. My grandpa once: let me style his hair and braid it with tiny braids hahaha I loved him and still miss him after these 7 years!
2. Never in my life have I: gotten drunk.
3. When I was younger, I: was the most shy and insecure child!
4. When I'm nervous: my hands always sweat! It's really annoying when I have a violin concert hahaha
5. If I were to get married right now: I wish it could be near where I live, because I don't think I could stand being permanently away from it!
6. My hair is: really, reaaaaally long.
7.My feet are: way too big for my height hahaha
8. Last Christmas: all of my cousins gathered for the family lunch, something that hadn't happened for years!
9. When I turn my head left: I see my uni homework >.<
10. When I turn my head right: I see my brother composing a song.
11. My life is not complete without: working with children. I don't think I could live without it!
12. By this time next year: I will be about to finish my uni studies and I'm terrified of what comes after. I'd like it to be either a masters degree or a year off in the UK, but you never know!
13. I have a hard time understanding: why people just keep judging others like it had something to do with them. Just live and let live!
14. One time at a family gathering: my little cousin sang a really funny old song and it was HILARIOUS.
15. Take my advice: be confident that the future holds amazing things for you. Don't you ever think you won't get a good future. Trust, hope and work hard. Things will work out all right in the end :)
16. My ideal breakfast is: a delicious thing we call "bomb croissants". They're just handmade croissants full of nutella-like chocolate, which is so bad for your health but so delicious hahaha Because they're not healthy we only eat them on special occasions, which makes them even more precious!
17. If you visit my hometown: you'll find it really small and you'll see that almost everyone knows me because I'm just involved with every activity that takes place here hahaha There is a crazy amount of cultural activities considering the size of the village!
18. My friends are: crazy and awesome.
19. If you spend the night at my house: we'll probably have to put things into place before hahaha We're really clean, but we're just too messy!
20. The world could do without: wars and hatred.
21. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: eat it? hahaha
22. The most recent thing I've bought myself is: cookies because I had to climb a mountain and I needed something to eat when I got to the top!
23. And, by the way: you're awesome!
24. My Birthday: is a time of the year when everybody is on holidays so I actually spend it quite alone hahaha I used to hate it when I was younger!
25. In the past I shouldn't have been: so harsh to myself.
26. Last night, I: went to sleep early to climb the mountain this morning! Hahaha
27. If I didn't have any obligations tomorrow: I would still do something out, I NEVER spend a whole day home, it doesn't do any good for my health!
28. In the last 6 months: I've seen a friend recover from cancer and it was the best thing!
29. I bet you didn't know: I don't like to use shoes when I'm home!
30. I am: a mess.
31. I read: a lot.
32. I regret: having worried so much about what others think of me
1. My grandpa once: let me style his hair and braid it with tiny braids hahaha I loved him and still miss him after these 7 years!
2. Never in my life have I: gotten drunk.
3. When I was younger, I: was the most shy and insecure child!
4. When I'm nervous: my hands always sweat! It's really annoying when I have a violin concert hahaha
5. If I were to get married right now: I wish it could be near where I live, because I don't think I could stand being permanently away from it!
6. My hair is: really, reaaaaally long.
7.My feet are: way too big for my height hahaha
8. Last Christmas: all of my cousins gathered for the family lunch, something that hadn't happened for years!
9. When I turn my head left: I see my uni homework >.<
10. When I turn my head right: I see my brother composing a song.
11. My life is not complete without: working with children. I don't think I could live without it!
12. By this time next year: I will be about to finish my uni studies and I'm terrified of what comes after. I'd like it to be either a masters degree or a year off in the UK, but you never know!
13. I have a hard time understanding: why people just keep judging others like it had something to do with them. Just live and let live!
14. One time at a family gathering: my little cousin sang a really funny old song and it was HILARIOUS.
15. Take my advice: be confident that the future holds amazing things for you. Don't you ever think you won't get a good future. Trust, hope and work hard. Things will work out all right in the end :)
16. My ideal breakfast is: a delicious thing we call "bomb croissants". They're just handmade croissants full of nutella-like chocolate, which is so bad for your health but so delicious hahaha Because they're not healthy we only eat them on special occasions, which makes them even more precious!
17. If you visit my hometown: you'll find it really small and you'll see that almost everyone knows me because I'm just involved with every activity that takes place here hahaha There is a crazy amount of cultural activities considering the size of the village!
18. My friends are: crazy and awesome.
19. If you spend the night at my house: we'll probably have to put things into place before hahaha We're really clean, but we're just too messy!
20. The world could do without: wars and hatred.
21. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: eat it? hahaha
22. The most recent thing I've bought myself is: cookies because I had to climb a mountain and I needed something to eat when I got to the top!
23. And, by the way: you're awesome!
24. My Birthday: is a time of the year when everybody is on holidays so I actually spend it quite alone hahaha I used to hate it when I was younger!
25. In the past I shouldn't have been: so harsh to myself.
26. Last night, I: went to sleep early to climb the mountain this morning! Hahaha
27. If I didn't have any obligations tomorrow: I would still do something out, I NEVER spend a whole day home, it doesn't do any good for my health!
28. In the last 6 months: I've seen a friend recover from cancer and it was the best thing!
29. I bet you didn't know: I don't like to use shoes when I'm home!
30. I am: a mess.
31. I read: a lot.
32. I regret: having worried so much about what others think of me
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
What Are My Favourite Singers/Bands?
I don't really think I've ever really talked about my music preferences on this. I mean, I talked a bit in depth about it during one of my numerous Liebster award posts, but I haven't really talked about it at all. I think it is really interesting to hear about someone's music tastes; after all, I think it can really sum up one's personality! Anyway, here is my (rather long and random!) list.
My friend introduced me to Pentatonix earlier this year, and I can honestly say I've fallen in love with them. They do amazing a capella - like honestly, amazing. I cannot rave about them enough, except to say that they are definitely my favourite out of all the bands listed on here. They have amazing tones, they write awesome music (please please PLEASE check out their song Sing) and they do covers that are better than the original. Enough said.
Favourite song: Sing.
Fleur East
Acqua and I have a shared love of this woman! I love love love her - Fleur's songs are so original and catchy. They're light and upbeat and just downright awesome. She is so much fun and her songs always inject a bit of happiness into you. She has been compared to Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson (for her killer dance moves!) and I personally she's better than the two combined. Enough said.
Favourite song: Sax.
I think you will know this lady better than a few of the others, but I genuinely love Lorde. Her songs have this vibe to them that just makes them amazing, and she sounds so good. I loved her when she first released Royals (and I didn't even like it the first time I heard it!) and I still love her now.
Favourite song: Yellow Flicker Beat.
Sia is such an awesome singer. Not only does she have incredible range and tone, but she has an amazing backstory that I love. I also deeply admire her courage and strength to be able to perform, considering that she has struggled with depression and self harm for years. She truly deserves her fame.
Favourite song: Big Girls Cry.
Jess Glynne
I honestly don't know what it is about Jess Glynne that makes me love her so much. I truly don't. But there's something about her that I love so much. Her songs are heartfelt and serious and I can relate to them so much. I just adore her music style and her songs all round.
Favourite song: Don't Be So Hard On Yourself & Real Love.
Elle King.
Elle King has a very Western country vibe to her voice, but I love her for this exact reason! I normally hate country music but she manages to put her own little spin on it that I love. She really stands out in the industry; most current songs seem to be carbon copies of each other, so this makes her stand out. I also can't help but love her tattoo's: they are so damn awesome!
Favourite song: Ex's and Oh's.
They are definitely a very old band, but I cannot help but love their music! It is just so fun and I love belting out their lyrics with my friends, it always puts me in a great mood! Honestly, this is a band that I listen to when I'm upset or exhausted or stressed out and it always puts a great big smile on my face :-)
Favourite song: Thunderstruck.
Once again, these dudes have been around for quite a bit, but their music is just damn awesome. My dad originally showed me this band and we love to listen to them together (when we're not watching John Oliver :)). Their music is just so hardcore and I love love love it!
Favourite song: Deuce.
I hope you liked this post! It was so much fun to write and I think that you might know a bit more about me now. Who are your favourite singers? Post 'em in the comments below! And please check out these ones if you haven't already! Have a great night everyone.
El xx
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