Wednesday 20 January 2016

What Is My Happy Place? (Random Thoughts)

My happy place... Well, me and happy places go back quite a bit. I have always had one, even as a child. When things where tough or sad or just all round gloomy, it was a place that I could always go back to. I'd keep a notebook and elaborate on the place, but it was always somewhere that I could physically go to, and connect with. Today, I have my happy place, and I tend not to elaborate on it anymore. It's just a place that I feel happy in, a place that only belongs to me. Here is my description.

It's quiet and soft; no one can hear me here. The breeze wafts back and forth from the window and a Yankee candle is burning on my desk, filling this room with a haunting but sweet smell. Light plays peekaboo on my wall and swings around to me, where I'm lying on my bed with a notebook. I can feel soft wisps of poetry flashing in my mind, and giggle as I capture them and place them on the page. Maybe it's dark, in which case I light multiple candles, so I have enough to see by. If I turned on the lights, it wouldn't feel as soft and gentle-instead, my eyesight would have to comply with the hard light, and I wouldn't be able to feel that sunset as realistically. I might be sitting in a soft, cosy bedroom, but my mind is elsewhere, with the characters of my story. They don't sit in a bedroom-They play around, stretching with my imagination and becoming all too real for me. I can feel their struggles, their hardships, their everything. Until someone calls me back to earth, I lie in my happy place, perfectly content with the world.

What is your happy place? Tell me in the comments below.

El xx


  1. Another great post! Lovely description of your happy place - really well written. xx

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I like writing descriptions although this wasn't my best. xx

  2. Wow that's so poetic, it's very lovely to read!

    1. Thank you! I love poetry so that's no surprise...
